Spider-man ‘94 Issue #2 - Something Old, Something New


  1. How many numbers will the complete story have?

  2. This is getting better and better, the art and the story are amazing, I can't wait to read the next chapter!

  3. This is awsome!! Can't wait for number 3!!

  4. How come this one was so short?
    still great work though

    1. It wasn't done. The full issue has now been updated to this post!

  5. Awesome!! Could you please make a version of what AEMH S2 would've been if Christopher Yost and Joshua Fine stayed onboard throughout the whole series?

  6. Isn't Unlimited a continuation of the 90s show?

    1. Too many continuity errors for it to fit. Like all the flashbacks to how Venom and Carnage got their powers are vastly different, with Eddie getting taken into custody by SHIELD and Carnage becoming his partner right away. Plus it doesn't explain how MJ would have gotten home to him. On top of that, the showrunner of Spider-Man TAS himself confirmed it's not attached to his show so they're firmly different universes.

    2. in the first episode of no limits, the spider mentions that Venom and carnage were different, not only that, as there is no limit on jameson owning a tv channel like tas, venom's origin is the same, aircraft falling on the bridge and Peter taking it the symbiote is equal to tas, peter and married mj also equal to tas, the same font for the letters of tas, only the origin of the carnage changes, and because it is a spin-off they can change some things

  7. This was so well made! Thank you so much for making this continuation and I am very excited for #3 keep up the great work!

  8. Great work! Love the art and story!

  9. This is great. Loved how you connected the dots with the symbiote coming out of the portal to Spider-Carnage's universe.

    Can't wait for the next issue.

  10. When is issue #3 coming out that was such a cliffhanger. I can't wait for this it's so awesome.

    1. Liar...
      I was really looking forward to issue 3 in 2021...

      You better release it! I swear to God if this is like another Seedlings situation I am going to lose my mind!
      Anyway, please, I think of this all the time, I really want issue three... so please continue this series.

  11. This was something I've looked forward to for a LONG time. A bit let down by how quickly Carnage was dealt with but really I always questioned why would Venom spare him anyways. You guys did good! Now I can't wait to see the Beastials and High Evolutionary be taken down!

    1. Only so many pages! Try to imagine it was 22 minutes like one of the old episodes! It’s about that many pages haha

  12. This comic series is incredible!! The 90s show was my favorite growing up! If I didn’t know better I’d say they were made by Marvel for real! And it felt like experiencing the actual series as you read! Loved how you tied in Spider-Man Unlimited too! Are you going to post more? I really hope so!!! Keep up the good work!! ❤️💙🕷🕸

  13. Hey, is this on ice, or is more coming? I liked the circling round to the Spider Wars arc, by the way. I also wonder how Spider-Man Unlimited is going to fit in - since it was originally supposed to be a sequel to the 1994 series but has obvious conflicts of plot (and was later assigned its own Earth number by Marvel)

    1. More on the way! Next issue will be out this year!

    2. I am completely stunned. It is brilliant work from your side. Do you need any help with the story? I am willing to support you anyhow with creation new episodes.

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  20. Me know that Spider Man TAS did 2 Spider Wars Episodes That Is different version of Spidey from 90s Show but me also would like to see Spidey 94 to team up with Other Spidey TV Shows you Guys would also like to see that? We are getting it because there Spider Man Unlimited but In future there to be other Spidey Different Animated shows It would be good to watch

  21. Spidey 94 Could tell Spidey 67 that In Spider Man 1994 Season 1 he has hard time defeating villains and what they did to his family friends maybe Spidey 67 will be shocked to hear that thoughts? Me think this Is good many Spider Man Animated Shows to meet right?

  22. Also one day Spider Man 94 can team up with Force Works from Iron Man but first we might see Spider Man 94 to Team Up with other Spider Man From Animated Shows me think It Might be good

  23. Just discovered this fan series today and I love it! Both issues are fantastic, you guys have real talent. So faithful to the art and writing of the 90s series as well as following up it’s story in a way that feels natural. I especially look forward to what you guys plan on doing with a cured Morbius and Felicia. Looking forward to a 3rd issue. Keep it up!

    1. Hello Jeff, do you like my Ideas above? Thank you forward for answer

    2. Me also would like to see Morbius And Felicia Being cured guys

    3. Me hope Spidey might team with Spidey 67 using Time Dilation Accelerator to go there what you think Jeff? Also Spidey to bring back Spot And Silvia Lopez they are In Limbo from Spider Man 1994 Spot Episode, 67 Spidey would be scared to see Venom because In his universe Venom and Symbiote might not Exist they weren't even in comics when his show Is on air from 1967-1970, thoughts about this Jeff? Anyone else who read this can also answer.

    4. Even though Venom might become good from this Issue on

    5. Spidey 67 also to travel To Spidey 94 Universe Right?

  24. Me Think Hulk Crossover might happen you guys? Maybe 90% It will happen Right?

  25. I love where your going with this I hope you are still working on #3 so well done I feel you're really trying to give us TAS spiderman the ending it deserved keep it up

  26. Please don't stop the good work!! I know it's really hard to do all that and you're not getting piad from it, but that earth Spider man 92131 is for me and for a lot of people is the closest spider man verse to our heart. So thanks for everything until now and please don't stop. don't do the same of what the producers of Spider Man TAS did. and thanks again for continuing the serie.

  27. hey you guys are amazing . Perfectly captures the feel of the series . Art styles is amazing too :)
    take your time don't rush

  28. This is spectacular! Can't wait for the next issue, keep up the great work!

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  30. This was really good and as a fan of the animated series it's nice to see work that takes place in this universe, and look forward to reading issue 3, whenever you have time and end up releasing it.

  31. It's insane how much love and appreciation for the series is just dripping out of every page, every panel, every text bubble. I hope I get to read the whole run before I die, I really do. This is such a treat, and I can't believe it's for free. Also that cliffhanger is wonderful and it makes so much sense, and hits a very emotional little spot too. It also makes me wonder if this Peter is gonna go to the New Animated Series world to convince that Peter to dig out the costume again, lol.
    I'm very curious is to what this journey will lead us to, and if other insane 94-exclusive devices and characters will show up down the line, like that Neogenic mutation device and a Spider-mutated Vulture. But literally anything you guys do will be 100% satisfying and beautiful I'm sure. Full confidence. Please keep this going.

  32. When does the next issue come out

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